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최찬희 개인전

Solo Exhibition by Chanee Choi EATING MYSELF

전시 기간: 2017/8/5 - 8/20 운영 시간: 금토일13:00 - 18:00 / 주중 예약제 오프닝 리셉션: 2017/8/5 토요일 저녁 6시 주관: 니트 협찬: 대안공간루프 작가 웹사이트:

최찬희 / Chanee Choi born in 1986 in South Korea

lives and works in Chicago and New York.

2013 BFA / Dongduk Women's University

2016 MFA / School of the Art Institute of Chicago(Fiber and Material Studies)

2017 Ph.D. / DXARTS, the University of Washington(Art and Technology)

Her work has been shown at Chicago Expo, School of The Art Institute of Chicago and the Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery, as well as at venues in Germany, Korea, and cities throughout the United States. She has held a residency at Auto Center Contemporary Art Space in Berlin. Chanee meditates through repetitive and time-consuming processes such as ceramics and embroidery. As her obsessions surrounding the fantasy increased, she delved further into complex contemporary art mediums such as animation, game design, and neon sculptures.

Eating Myself, single channel, 3'22", 2015

Eating Myself, single channel, 3'22", 2015

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